Aurora — In Roman mythology was the goddess of the morning. She was often depicted as rising majestically out of the ocean in a chariot with rosey fingers dropping dew. For the incorporators of this club her name symbolized the dawn of a new era for Italians in Rhode Island.
Hours of Operation
January – June & September – December
Open for lunch daily Monday thru Saturday
Open for dinner – Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Reservations are recommended
Lunch 11:30 – 2:00
Dinner 5:30 – 8:00
Summer Hours
July & August
Closed on Saturday evenings for dinner
The rest of the schedule remains the same
Dinner service will resume the Saturday after Labor Day
Closed for the first two weeks of July for summer vacation
Members will be notified in advance to the exact dates
Dress Code
In consideration of all the membership, we rely on the good taste and judgment of each member that all persons using the facilities shall be dressed appropriately at all times.
Business is the defined dress code on the first level Dining Room and includes jackets with collared shirts and slacks for men and comparable attire for women. Ties are optional in the first level dining room.
More casual attire is permitted in the Grill Room which includes tucked in shirts, slacks, acceptable denim, sneakers and golfing shorts.
Athletic attire, tank tops, gym shorts and sport caps are never permitted.